Students WITH current on campus Baylor Student Parking Permits* do not owe any additional fees for the Medical Permit.
*Free Ferrell permits are for remote parking at the Ferrell Center only and may not be used for parking permissions on campus.
Students WITHOUT current on campus Baylor Student Parking Permits will be charged a minimum of $50 for the Medical Permit.
The amount charged depends on the length of time the student feels will best fit his/her needs. Students should consider if they will need campus parking when the Medical Permit expires. If so, they should purchase the permit that best fits their needs (and the Medical Permit fee will be waived).
The Medical Permit allows students to parkin in any non-reserved visitor and faculty/staff parking until expiration. It DOES NOT allow students to park in any designated Handicap space. The permit does not allow for parking in specific reserved Faculty/Staff spaces. Examples of these are signs with number-number “Reserved 58-1” and signs with titles “Reserved for Dean”, “Reserved for Hall Director”, “Reserved for Dining Manager”, etc.
(1) Diagnosis; (2) Severity of the condition; (3)Functional limitations; (4) Recommended accommodation; and (5) Physician signature. Please refer to our documentation guidelines.
Baylor is not authorized to issue any allowance (temporary or permanent) for students to park in designated ADA spaces. Students should follow the steps on the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles website to apply for a temporary or permanent disability placard:
Students may request approval for the Medical Permit in conjunction with Baylor Disability Shuttle services or separately. Students requesting the Medical Permit will need to fill out an OALA application. Please email OALA with questions at OALA
Once the proper medical documentation has been received and any necessary charges have been agreed to; students generally receive their approval via e-mail within 48 business hours. Students are NOT allowed to park in unauthorized spaces until they receive their email notification.
Sid Richardson Building
Basement Level (East Wing)
One Bear Place #97204
Waco, Tx 76798-7204